Wednesday, April 18, 2012

3 Kinds of Blackbirds Baked in a Pie

Nah, not really. I suspect that pie would be gross. Anyhow, while out exploring the west Phoenix farmland I came across a little area where three of the five North American Blackbirds were living it up in the evening light. I really enjoy seeing family/groups all together (that doesn't just go for birds). Alas, there was no Rusty Blackbird around, and the Tri-Coloreds never seem to stray from the California coast. Even so, three Blackbirds is a good number of Blackbirds, especially when they're so pretty.

Here, listen to the Beatle's Blackbird song too. It seems only appropriate.

First up was the Red-Winged Blackbird, harbinger of spring and soon-to-be relentless loud-mouth of riparian lands all across America. This stud was calling from some marshy plants near a dairy farm where one can also find lots of Yellow-Headed Blackbirds.

The Yellow-Headed BBs can be consistently found at the farm, but their exact location is contingent on which section of cows are being fed. Unfortunately, this schedule often places them on the wrong side of the sun in the evening. Oh, the injustices with which we must put up as birders...

There were also some small flocks of Brewer's Blackbirds in the area. I really like these birds, but they're unlucky in having such attractive cousins. Though beautiful in their own right, they're the relatively ugly ones of the bunch.

The male Blackbirds all have stunning visual appeal, but it was this rather drab female, eager for some attention too, who gave me the best view. I really like the symmetrical feather detail that came out in her portrait. Durable, warm, beautiful...though they look as thin as tissue paper, these feathers will carry the Blackbird hundreds and hundreds of miles.

Here, just to round things off, is the Rusty Blackbird seen in Anthem (N. Phoenix) autumn of 2011.

Only one more Blackbird to go. Hopefully I'll get a chance to try for the Tri-Colored soon.